Do you have “Orthovenous” Disease?

When Orthopedic and Venous Disease Collide. “Orthovenous” disease you ask?  What is that?  Is that even a disease or a word?  Well…not exactly, but it is a neologism I have created to describe a much more common entity I have encountered in my vein focused practice.  Patients with orthopedic disease are of the age group…


External Bleeding from small calf veins can be sign of underlying problem

Have seen back to back patients this morning with severe venous insufficiency involving the left great saphenous vein.  Both patients had history of multiple episodes of significant external hemorrhage.  Neither had external signs of varicose veins but both had what appeared to be large spider veins (called telangiectasias) in the pretibial region (front of the…
