Improving leg health is essential for overall well-being and can significantly reduce your risk of painful and unsightly vein-related issues.

Dr. Joseph Magnant, Board-Certified Vascular Surgeon and founder of Vein Specialists, shares the top 7 valuable tips to enhance leg health and prevent vein complications.

Here are seven practical strategies to consider to achieve healthier legs:

1. Get Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining healthy veins. Exercise promotes blood circulation, which helps prevent blood from pooling in the veins.

“Activities like walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics and stairmaster 5 to 7 times a week can strengthen your leg muscles and improve overall vascular health,” said Dr. Magnant.

2. Elevate Your Legs: Elevating your legs can significantly reduce swelling and improve circulation. When resting, try to keep your legs elevated above heart level for 15-30 minutes several times a day.

“This practice helps decrease pressure in the veins and encourages blood flow back to the heart,” said Dr. Magnant.

3. Move Your Legs Frequently: Prolonged sitting or standing can lead to poor circulation and increase the risk of vein problems.

Make it a habit to move your legs frequently, especially during long periods of inactivity such as lengthy plane or car trips.

“Simple movements like stretching, ankle rotations or short walks can make a big difference,” said Dr. Magnant.

4. Avoid Wearing High Heels: High heels can negatively impact leg health by putting extra pressure on the veins and altering natural foot mechanics, which can cause pain and cramping.

“Opt for comfortable, supportive footwear whenever possible to help maintain proper blood flow and reduce the risk of vein issues,” said Dr. Magnant.

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Contact us to schedule an appointment with our expert Vein Specialists team. We will evaluate your signs and symptoms, answer your questions, and create a personalized vein care treatment plan to relieve your leg pain and enhance your life.

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5. Maintain a Proper Weight: Carrying excess weight can strain the veins in the legs, leading to various issues, including varicose veins and spider veins.

“Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can alleviate pressure on the venous system and promote better leg health,” said Dr. Magnant.

6. Wear Compression Hose: Compression stockings are designed to apply pressure to the legs, helping to improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Compression therapy can be particularly beneficial if you have existing vein problems or if you spend long hours on your feet,” said Dr. Magnant.

Compression stockings are available at both of our vein centers in Fort Myers and Bonita Springs.

7. Take an Online Vein Screening: Regular screenings can help identify potential vein issues before they become serious. Vein Specialists offers a free virtual vein evaluation that can assess your risk for vein disease.

“Taking this proactive step can lead to early intervention and better outcomes,” said Dr. Magnant.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can enhance your leg health and reduce your risk of vein-related issues.

Don’t wait – schedule a consultation with Dr. Magnant today to ensure your legs stay healthy and strong.

Prioritizing your leg health today can lead to a more active and fulfilling life tomorrow.

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Please take a moment and fill out your request below and one of our staff members will be in contact within 24-48 business hours. If this is an emergency, call 911 immediately. If this is a non-emergent concern, please call the office Monday-Friday between 8am – 5pm at: 239-694-8346

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Venous Disease


  • Spider Veins
  • Varicose Veins
  • Leg Swelling
  • Leg Skin Discoloration
  • Leg Vein Bleeding
  • Leg Ulcers


  • Heavy Legs
  • Swollen Achy Legs
  • Itchy Leg Skin
  • Restless Legs
  • Nighttime Leg Cramps
  • Neuropathy

Dedicated exclusively to leg Vein Disease

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